Knowbotic Research The Dilemma: naked bandit Transcoding Extra-territorialities, Floating Sovereignties and Non-publics Intro: 'One could ask about the specific kinds of games that we have begun to play today, in the age of the so-called new media. For our embrace, as a population, of miniaturized, networked electronic devices, has made us into avid producers of signals, emanating from all aspects of our psychic, sexual, professional, political and affective lives. These signals of belief and desire are eminently susceptible to interception, storage in databases, and transformation into statistics, which can be used as guidelines for the informed manipulation of our environment, and thus of our behavior. It then becomes important to know what kinds of social experiments we might be part of.' Quoted from Brian Holmes, 'signals, statistics and social experiments/the governance conflicts of new media,' nettime mailing list, 2004 Socio-technical experiments The difference between inside and outside the laboratory is vanishing. Technological experiments are leaving the laboratories, society itself is becoming the experiment. Socio-technical experiments as described by Brian Holmes redefine a transnational society's way of dealing with conflicts and threats, of setting up boundaries, of including, excluding and marginalizing. But do we have a choice to be part of these experiments? Do we have a choice to co-define these experiments? Who is responsible for them, who is writing protocols? Who is supervising, who is taking decisions? If there is no choice, there is no politics, there is no sovereign. If we don't know where and why we are involved in these transnational experiments, then we can say there is a blind sovereign (Bruno Latour1). Nobody wants to be the playground of a blind transnational sovereign - sovereignty inside these socio-technical experiments has to be newly defined. The challenge is to become active participants in these ongoing scenarios, to become an self-reflexive transnational public dealing with new forms of sovereignties. New forms of sovereignty Politics is always happening parallel real and virtual. The transformation of national sovereignties and the ongoing procedures of a constituting transnational sovereign power are always enacted as test cases, probed and executed parallel on virtual and real level. The results of these probed virtual test cases and experiments are applied in other localities and themselves become test cases for other situations. Artistic research is able to connect to and transcode the virtual level of the political and thus can develop its own versions of explorations, test cases and experiments with different forms of representation. Artists and artistic (research) institutions have to develop formats of presentation which have the potential to channel the results of such experiments into the ordinary games of governance, giving them the presence they need, making such experiments public. Artistic experiments on degree zero Knowbotic research is investigating these ongoing sociotechnical experiments and transcoding them into 'experiments on degree zero,' experiments below the representation level of mass media. Such experiments are able to connect and interface with the constituting logic of transnational sovereignties. They are providing virtual and symbolic forms of engagement to address and question the conditions of these new sovereignties and are making their effects public. Virtual experiment and action mean not 'a derealization (the transformation of reality into a collection of possibles) but a displacement of the center' (Tiziana Terranova2) and a change of perspective and identity. New forms of political representation Tiziana Terranova: 'The aesthetics of the degree zero means the rejection of the "spectacular" (the spectacle). Rather than being defined principally through a solution, the experiment on degree zero finds its essential consistency within a field of questions asking: Where does power come from? Degree zero does not imply a ground, that is an origin, but a full potentiality, that needs to be actualized, to find its expression.' The level of representation of existing manifold political expressions in the worldwide political arena can be dissolved in experiments towards the level of degree zero, the level where the potentialities of these political expressions can be actualized, and new forms of political representation can be developed. Transcoding Virtual actions on degree zero transcode the symbolic levels and logics of these socio-technical experiments. Transcodings, i.e. translations of one sign system into another, open up other modes of operation and actions and provide changes of perspectives. Transcodings are structured by rule systems. Rule systems are never definite or irreversible. Transcodings do not constitute power but mirror actual social, political and cultural conditions and practices which are open for transformations. Transcoding assigns a visibility to those things (complex political processes and relations) which through a previous abstract designation process had lost their negotiability. Transcoding means the assignment of new codes to existing things and the reflection of this transformation process. Transcoding attempts to transform the restrictions of one level of code into a newly coded and thus newly imaginable field of action. Contextualisation: indefinite spheres of sovereignty by Timothy Druckrey Spheres of sovereignty are legitimated in forms that rely on control of the legal and judicial systems, on the sustenance of political hierarchies, on the application of military, police and investigatory systems, on the regulation of the communication systems, on the management of the information systems - in short, spheres of sovereignty are legitimated in forms that rely on the total control of culture. In the authoritarian atmosphere after 9/11 sovereignty has taken a leap from management to domination, and has extended its reach into extra-territorial, extra-legal, extra-national, extra-governmental spheres by claiming absolute authority to act unilaterally, unhindered by localizations of any sort. This suspension of the old territorial sovereignties has been evolving alongside globalization for many decades and is exemplified by the trans-national and, in our understanding, non-legitimated power of world organizations. Transferred into the floating sovereignty of the post 9/11 era, authority has mutated into militarized ideologies which claim the entire planet as a potential crime scene and establish 'state policing' as its central principle. This too comes as a paradox in which a government disclaims territoriality but enforces localized ideology. This merging of imperial codes and empire logic is both reactionary and developmental. It passionately roots the imperium as an entitlement of the good and the just, and founds an empire on an renovated sovereignty. By mobilizing itself as exempt from civil examination, it deprives the principle it proposes to defend. By creating an overwhelming security apparatus (or better a security ecosystem), it legitimates the 'emergency state' whose threat condition can never be reduced without undermining its raison d'être. Unable to sustain human rights, it substitutes itself in their place: sovereign rights instead of human rights. This astonishing reversal liberates ideology from consensus. Behind the veil of secret rationalizations and self-legitimization, it detaches itself from accountability. It is not a conspiracy, but a coup d'état, an act of uprising in reverse, an insurgency against representative government itself. Floating above accusations, it nevertheless maintains a hold on the public sphere, be it by legislated restrictions or by extra-legal means. Cowering below this looming territorial authority, rights are no longer implicit - or inalienable - but either granted or denied, they are ostensible, not definite, subject to circumstance. In order to provide cover for lingering and inconvenient territorial legalities, the new sovereignty invents indefinite spheres, zones in which legal status can be suspended, in which citizenship is invalidated, in which the assumption of innocence is thrown away, in which representation is denied. These civil black-holes are the holding-pens in which anyone can be a combatant. Joined with a tightening state security apparatus, the social sphere is increasingly one of confinement and risk. What in the political sphere used to be the 'illegal immigrant,' the refugee, the exiled, the other, has become, in an all too real sense, the world as a political asylum divided into combatants and non-combatants, each existing under the reign of an irreproachable authority acting on a unsanctioned mandate. From Steven Spielberg's The Terminal 'So, Mr. Navorski, currently you are citizen of nowhere. You don't qualify for asylum, refugee status, temporary protective status, humanitarian parole, or non-immigration work, travel, diplomatic visas, you don't qualify for any of these things. You are, at this time, simply unacceptable!' 'Unacceptable?' 'Unacceptable.' 'Unacceptable.' Project: naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign "I think we have become interested in Pragmatism again because "the public" continues to be a problem. "The public" is not what is meant simply by a certain definition of the common good. If you speak about it in terms of a common good, then you have to find the experiment that makes it work. Where is the experiment that proves that you are right? If you decide you can define what is good for Americans, where is the proof? Prove it! Find the protocol of the demonstration. Decode this protocol. Engage politics, not in the sense of feeling good and having the right set of political positions and so on, but engage around the protocol of debriefing the collective experiment." Bruno Latour3 The project naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign is an experiment on degree zero to deal with the representation of non-publics and transform/transcode them in a public negotiable process. It is a question of representation, i.e. to conceptualise new signifiers of abstract and precarious things/political conditions and to examine them in a public set-up. The project enables engagement with virtual forms of transnational sovereignty, extra-territoriality, inclusive exclusion of people (specifically in this project: detainment of so-called `unlawful enemy combatants'). Extra-territoriality In this project Knowbotic Research investigates (non)legal coding of transnational sovereignty which inscribes and determines in mostly invisible layers, beyond the daily surface of mass media images, our fields of action. Global information technologies (satellite, GPS, and data surveillance) are producing new territorial principles of order, a new logic of space, and constituting forms of transnational power and sovereignty. Transnational sovereignty is emerging from permanent processes of exclusion and inclusion of territories and people on a global scale, and is producing new territorial phenomena called extra-territorialities. Extra-territoriality describes a logic of space which is defined outside of the state and its law systems, but is yet controlled by the referring state power and sovereignty. Extra-territorialities are constructed as non-publics which are external to the existing protocols which govern civil conflicts. These mean zones 'in which legal status can be suspended, in which citizenship is invalidated, in which the assumption of innocence is thrown away, in which representation is denied' (Timothy Druckrey). In the context of the 'war of terror' any person or territory is under permanent threat of being excluded, becoming an unlawful subject or an extra-territoriality. Inclusive exclusion The project investigates the formal mechanisms and logic of such an inclusive exclusion of people and the inherent formations of power. Inclusive exclusion means that on the one hand sovereign power segregates and excludes, and on the other includes and detains/occupies the excluded. naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign is about the dilemma of being excluded from the legal body and included in a extra-territorial non-location. It focuses specifically on the mechanisms of detainment of so-called 'unlawful enemy combatants' (terror suspects not granted the legal status of prisoners of war) in extra-territorialities: the (global) sovereign defines persons as 'here' (detained) and, at the same moment, 'elsewhere,' not here, no longer on the territory of the nation state, and thus banned, stripped off from the legal framework which the nation state guarantees ('naked bandit'). 'Naked bandits' are here and not here: detained in limbo, in extra-territorial spheres without a form of representation which can be directly accessed and publicly enacted. Transcoding the dilemma Knowbotic Research unfolds an experimental space which enables the yet very instable, often not legitimized coded layers of these new territorial encryptions to become present and to be addressed. The project translates/transcodes these non-public coded forms of detainment of persons without a legal and political representation ('naked bandits') into different codes and levels of visibility and public accessibility: - Level 1 transcodes the logic of extra-territoriality into a spatial experiential model of floating sovereign power; - Level 2 translates the legal codes of the inclusive exclusions into Unix-code processes in order to transgress experimentally its paradoxical logic; - Level 3 transcodes the constructed non-public sphere into a public addressable scenario. Level 1 - transcoding the space of extra-territoriality An interactive media-installation provides a spatial model of a floating sovereignty and enables a physical presence in the logic and abstractness of extra-territorial inclusions and exclusions. To become present means to become able to interfere in this logic. The interdependent extra-territorial processes between detainer and detainees are presented via a floating system of balloons and an autonomous, indoor flying control system (detainer), which is de-territorialized by Knowbotic Research out of the context of scientific research (Autonomous Systems Lab, EPFL Lausanne). An autonomous robot – a helium-filled blimp (zeppelin) – controls and attacks the balloons which, without any technical devices, are kept captive, floating in space. They serve both as targets as well as orientation and navigation patterns for the sovereign robotic logic, defined by the technological coded processes of zoning, scanning, filtering, profiling, detecting and targeting. Visitors to the installation can move at the level of the floating control technology – in-between the flight operations and navigations of the robotic machinery. The public thus confronts and contaminates the logic of this autonomous flight machinery through its physical presence (serving as additional targets). Level 2 - transcoding the naked code of the inclusive exclusion Knowbotic Research transfers into two scenarios of script code, executable in a Unix shell on a personal computer, the legalistic codes (or, more aptly, codes which produce an exemption from legality) of the white sovereign's inclusive exclusion of the naked bandit,. The shell scripts appropriate the mechanism of the inclusive exclusion in order to overcome it experimentally by its own means and logic. The project translates the white sovereign/naked bandit interdependencies into process relations in the Unix kernel. The kernel is the central element of the Unix operating system. It determines the process and data organization on which the other software elements running under this operating system are based. 'Process' generally refers to a program in execution. In order to initialize a process, the kernel loads the program and assigns memory to it. Booting a computer launches the init process. The init process, the highest hierarchical status in the operating system, initiates a set of other processes. All these follow-up processes descend from a parent process, i.e. the cron descends from the init, the init is the parent of the cron, the cron the child process from the init. Inside Unix, each process can trigger a child process. There are two ways to terminate parent-child relationships, and for both Unix provides different scenarios: - a. If the child process is terminated before the parent, it will not immediately be removed from the kernel process list. First a signal will be sent to the parent in order for the deletion of the child to be confirmed. In the meantime, before confirmation, the child is in an intermediate status called 'zombie.' Zombies occupy memory in the process table, but are no longer effective. - b. If the parent is terminated before the child, the child loses the parent and becomes an orphan process. The init process inherits the orphan, but the orphan stays at its origin process group level. Scenarios of misinformation and escape - Starting condition: the 'white sovereign' is coded as the parent, the 'naked bandit' as the child process. - Execution: The naked bandit is enabled to misinform the white sovereign by transforming into an orphan process, either through a self-modification of the code or through the intervention of an observer. Thus, the naked bandit can escape from the process dependency. To enact this misinformation, the child forks into two apparently identical child processes, upon which one remains the child of the parent process, while the other becomes the child of the child process. Both child processes print in the console the information 'naked bandit: here, not here.' In the next step, the child of the parent is suspended, the parent loses the child, and the child of the child loses the parent and becomes an orphan process. - Result: The child of the child alias orphan alias naked bandit process runs independently from the parent alias white sovereign process. - Verification: By entering a ctrl-c command all foreground processes (including the white sovereign) in the shell are suspended (sigterm). But one process in the shell will keep running, the child of the child/naked bandit which, as an orphan belongs to the init process. scenario A export white_sovereign='not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo 'naked bandit: here, not here'; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e 's/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g'>; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!'; sh -c '$white_sovereign' The child forks into two apparently identical child processes. Via a backdoor, the child process secretly exports a key, its process ID, into the file-system. Using this key/process ID, the child process can be addressed and suspended by an external observer. After suspension (of the child), the child of the child runs independently from the white sovereign as an orphan process and simulates the presence of the suspended child by printing in the console the same phrase that the child process printed before: 'naked bandit: here, not here.' scenario B In this scenario, the shell script self-modifies during execution. Executing the self-modified script, a copy child of the child is created. After this creation, the child process terminates itself and in the manner previously described liberates the child of the child from the white sovereign dependency. The child of the child prints: 'naked bandit: here, not here.' During execution, the self-modified script overwrites itself in the initial status. not_here() { echo '$! `>.key; here & wait $! ; } ; here() { while [ enclosed ];do echo 'naked bandit: here, not here';done; } ; ( ( not_here ) & while true;do echo 'white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here';done ) (For a more detailed explanation of the specific processes in the Unix kernel initiated by these shell scripts see + naked code agency [address] the naked bandit [install] a backdoor [send] a secret key [copy] the naked bandit [misinform] the white sovereign [camouflage] the naked bandit [terminate] the dependency [restart] the modification level 3 - transcoding the constructed non-public (spheres of detainment) This level combines the spatial representation of the naked bandit-white sovereign relationship in level 1 with its (Unix) code representation in level 2 and provides interfaces for a public to interact with both levels. By means of two computer units and a sound system, the installation visitor is given a 'voice' to address the naked bandit-white sovereign dependency. The installation offers manipulated reboot buttons of personal computers: pressing it effects a execution of the white sovereign/naked bandit script codes of level 2 and a change in the white sovereign/naked bandit interdependencies between the floating balloons in level 1. The naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign shell script processes print out in a loop the following dialog which is displayed on the two computer monitors: white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here naked bandit: here, not here The print-outs also become audible as looped audio samples (articulated by two different human voices) in the spatial model of level 1: sovereign voice: naked bandit here, not here bandit voice: here, not here After a specific threshold level of visitor engagement with the computer interfaces is attained, the audio sample of a third, so-called 'public,' voice is triggered which addresses and locates the naked bandit: public voice: naked bandit here and now! The event of the public voice sends a signal to the flying robot of level 1 which gets suspended for a specific amount of time. Annotations: auto-immunization of sovereignty From a political perspective spheres of detainment question the ruling concepts of sovereignty and citizenship for defining the legal status of an individual. Jacques Derrida provokes in his book Voyous ('Rogues') "unimaginable" extensions of democracy across the sovereignty of the nation state, via an international juridical-political space, paired with divisible and other concepts of sovereignty. Derrida mentions the renewed declaration of human rights (but not that of human and civil rights) after the second world war as one decisive democratic point of reference for the institutions of international law. This point of reference is in virtual contradiction to the principle of the nation state sovereignty but which itself it not placed in question by it: 'As far as – most futilely- one tries to impose borders on the sovereignty of the nation state, it happens through calling the declaration of human rights. This declaration acts towards the sovereignty of the nation state not as a limitation or a contradiction, not as a principle of a non-sovereignty towards a principle of sovereignty. It is rather the case that sovereignty stands against sovereignty. The declaration of human rights positions the (equal, free, autonomous) human as the sovereign. The declaration of human rights proclaims another sovereignty, and provides the auto-immunization of sovereignty.' (Translated by KR).4 Credits This project was initiated by the art group Knowbotic Research and was developed in the context of a research program, 'public/code/agency - Transcoding the Political' at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich, Department Media and Art, in collaboration with the Autonomous System Lab (ASL): Prof. Dario Floreano, Yannick Fournier, Jean-Christophe Zufferey; (, Institute of Systems Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. It was so far exhibited in the contexts of fine art (Witte de With Rotterdam and Kunsthalle St. Gallen), of architecture (Archilab Biennale Orleans)and media art (Transmediale 05 Berlin, ICC Tokyo). Notes 1. Bruno Latour, What rules of method for the new socio-scientific experiments?, lecture at Darmstadt colloquium, 2001 2. Tiziana Terranova, Degree Zero of Politics: Virtual Cultures & Virtual Social Movement, 2002 3. Interview with Bruno Latour: Decoding the Collective Experiment, 4. Jacques Derrida, in Voyous ('Rogues'), Edition Galilee, Paris, 2003