audioaspects; last updated: November 5, 2004


the (il)legal framwork is a set of rules which empowers a sovereign to define detained persons as here and, at the same moment, elsewhere not anymore on the territory of the nation state.

* on the acoustical level, we install a low frequency vibrating audio space as a audioframework, in which the dialog between the naked bandit and the sovereign takes place.

* the oscillation in the room is generated by downsampled ganular synthesized sounds which change their volume frequencies and depth. the frequency plays with the resonance of the installation space: with fundamental frequencies,standing waves and cancellations .

the relation between naked bandet and the sovereign is transformed in a audio speech dialog (represented by two prerecorded male audio samples).

* a multichannel audio system is used, to move the dialog through the installation.

* visitor intervene by resetting the runnning script code. this intervention speeds up the timebase of the audiodialog, the dialog dilapidates, both voices get out of order, at the same time, on different positions in space, with an increasing density.

* throu angh ongoing intervention of the visitot the audio-system changes its state. a female voice ("naked bandit here and now!") is introduced, first silent but constantly increasing in density and volume. the system turns over to a silent state and stops for a certain time.