audioaspects; last updated: November 5, 2004

[transcoding sovereignty ] -------
autoimmunization of democracy-------------------------

[enter bash script!] -------

export white_sovereign='not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo "naked bandit: here, not here"; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e "s/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g">; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!' ; sh -c "$white_sovereign"

not_here() { echo "$! ">.key; here & wait $! ; } ; here() { while [ enclosed ];do echo "naked bandit: here, not here";done; } ; ( ( not_here ) & while true;do echo "white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here";done )

[address the naked bandit] -------

white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here
naked bandit: here, not here

public voice: naked bandit here and now!