Global information
technologies are producing new territorial principles of order, a new
logic of space, and constituting forms of transnational power and sovereignty.
Extra-territoriality describes a logic of space which is defined outside
of the state and its law systems, but is yet controlled by the referring
state power and sovereignty. Extra-territorialities are zones in which
legal status can be suspended, in which citizenship is invalidated, in
which the assumption of innocence is thrown away, in which represen-tation
is denied. naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign is about the dilemma
of being excluded from the legal body and included in a extra-territorial
non-location (inclusive exclusion):
the global sovereign (white sovereign) defines persons as 'here' and,
at the same moment, 'elsewhere,' not here, no longer on the territory
of the nation state, and thus banned, stripped off from the legal framework
which the nation state guarantees ('naked bandit').
'Naked bandits' are here and not here: detained in limbo, in extra-territorial
spheres without a form of representation which can be directly accessed
and publicly enacted.
Knowbotic Research, kr+cf, unfolds an experimental assemblage which translates/transcodes
these non-public coded forms of inclusive exclusions of persons without
a legal and political representation ('naked bandits') into different
codes and levels of visibility and public accessibility:
- level 1 transcodes the logic of extra?territoriality into a spatial
experiential model of floating sovereign power represented by an autonomous
indoor flying robot attacking floating helium balloons and visitors;
- level 2 translates the legal codes of the inclusive exclusions into
Unix-code processes in order to transgress experimentally its paradoxical
- level 3 transcodes the constructed non-public sphere into an open scenario,
giving the audience a voice to address the white sovereign-naked bandit
Tokio, May 2005
Graffiti by hitotzuki
St. Gallen, January 2005
Yannick Fournier
Orléeans, September 2004
Rotterdam, September 2004
inside Witte de With
2004- 2005
- knowbotic research 2004
exhibition version in Orléans:
Prof. Dario Floreano, Jean-Christophe Zufferey; Autonomous Systems Laboratory
(http://asl.epfl.ch), Institute of Systems Engineering, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
- Peter Sandbichler, collaboration on installation
University of Art and Design Zurich, HGKZ
January 2005
Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesamt für Kultur/sitemapping.ch sowie der Basler
Institution [plug.in] präsentiert die Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen
Center [ICC] 2005
Curator: Yukiko Shikata
October 2004
Orléans, Frankreich;
Septemer 2004
Witte de With, Rotterdam,NL, Curator: Andreas Broekmann
May 2004
Taipeh, Taiwan;,
knowbotics own little publication:
the pdf file.
the script was originally written for the jubilee-publication Peter Weibel,
published at the Merve Verlag Berlin, 2004
New Territories Schweizer Medienkunst International, Art Multimédia
Suisse International, Swiss Media Art International Mai 2005, 280 Seiten,
20 Farbabbildungen, broschiert, deutsch/englisch/französisch ISBN: 3-85616-238-0
SFr. 49,00 / Euro 32,00
‹Mapping New Territories› nimmt eine Standortbestimmung der Schweizer
Medienkunst vor. Essays von Yvonne Volkart, Villoe Huszai, Maria Stergiou
und anderen zeigen die Geschichte und Gegenwart der schweizerischen Medienkunst
vor einem internationalen Horizont. Zudem präsentiert die Publikation
die gleichnamige Ausstellung und das Symposium, welche Anfang 2005 in
der Neue Kunsthalle St. Gallen stattfinden: Text und Bild, aber auch multimediale
Beiträge auf einer CD-ROM, geben Einblick in die neuen Projekte von Marlene
McCarthy, n3krozoft mord und Knowbotic Research sowie den Online-TV-Kanal
des Netzkunstpioniers Reinhard Storz. Ein liebevoll edierter Wegweiser
durch die Terra incognita der Medienkunst. (Tages Anzeiger)