Network context

”The internet as a representational network with its nodes and graphs seems to be more appropriate to global organisations such as the NGOs that rely on stable nodes organised with a view to act on specific issues. Virtual social movements, on the other hand, seem to exceed the network because of the intrinsic mobility of their elements, connected together by a multiplicity of communication channels, converging and diverging in mobile configurations.” New ways of public acting must not fall into the trap of the worn dichotomy of private and public but instead open new possibilities of public agency for domains of the commons and include tactics which have been seen as inappropriate for the contextualization of the public domain in the modern sense. Instead of referring only to the concepts of transparency, visibility and manifestation, we suggest upgrading public agencies with non-representational activities like encrypting, rendering invisible, disinforming, hiding, fleeing, tunneling, disturbing, spoofing, and other camouflage tactics.

What we seek is the potential for the production of a different kind of network agency, where a fluid capacity to connect and disconnect through heterogeneous coded enactions is used productively as a kind of degree zero (where power comes from), which it is important to return and relate to.

Such capacity is, in fact in itself not so much neutral as not immediately given. Tactical and coded connectivity allows for difficult or easy communication, for long-term commitments, encrypted and fleeting affairs. It is crossed by conflicts, gives no guarantees of success, and possesses a weird kind of memory, collective, fleeting and yet durable. It demands a sustained effort to redefine, design, and act out the domain of the commons.


Why do we show the vulnerability of NGOs and media artists?
Network Context
What is a Public Domain Scanner?
What is Portscanning?
Exhibition Context

Art, Media and Legal Issues:
Artistic network practice on the bad guys space
Open Law
Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computers

Public Domain:
For the Public Domain
Giorgio Agamben On Security and Terror
The Patriot Act