Installation elements; last updated: November 2, 2004
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autonomous indoor flying ctrl system

The interdepending processes between detainer and detainees are presented in the exhibition space via an
autonomous indoor flying robot system, which is de-territorialized by Knowbotic Research out of the context of scientific research (Autonomous Systems Lab, EPFL Lausanne). An autonomous robot, a helium filled blimp (zeppelin)controls and attacks other balloons, the naked bandits, without any technical control devices, which are detained and kept captive, floating in space. They serve as well as targets and as orientation and navigation patterns for the sovereign robotic logics characterized by processes of zoning, scanning, filtering, profiling, detecting and targeting. Visitors of the installation can move on the level of the control technology - in between the flight operations and navigations of the robotic machinery. The public thus confronts and contaminate the logics of this autonomous flight machinery through constructing obstacles in space via their physical presence (serving as additional targets) and makingthe sovereign space more and more un-navigable.
[printouts/voices] -----------------------

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naked code-------------------------------

Knowbotic Research transfers the legalistic codes (or better codes which produce an exemption from legality) of the inclusive exclusion of the naked bandit by the white sovereign, into two scenarios of script code, executable in a Unix shell on a personal computer.

export white_sovereign='not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo "naked bandit: here, not here"; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e "s/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g">; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!' ; sh -c "$white_sovereign"

----------------------scenario B:
not_here() { echo "$! ">.key; here & wait $! ; } ; here() { while [ enclosed ];do echo "naked bandit: here, not here";done; } ; ( ( not_here ) & while true;do echo "white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here";d
one )

The shell scripts appropriate the mechanism of the inclusive exclusion in order to overcome it by its own means. In the execution of the two naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign scenarios A, B the potential of escape of the bandit (child)process from the sovereign (parent)process is installed and enacted (for the explanation of the specific processes in the Unix kernel initiated by these shell scripts see

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public voice--------------------------------

By means of two computer units and a sound system, the audiene is given an additional 'voice' to address the naked bandit-white sovereign dependency. The installation offers manipulated reboot buttons of personal computers: pressing it effects a restart of the white sovereign/naked bandit script codes and thus a change in the white sovereign/ naked bandit script process interdependen-cies. The naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign shell script processes print out in a loop the following dialog which is displayed on the 2 computer monitors:

white sovereign: naked bandit here, not here
naked bandit: here, not here

The print outs also become audible as audio samples in the installation. Two male voices are looping:

sovereign voice: naked bandit here, not here
banditvoice : here, not here

After reaching a certain threshold level of audience engagement, the audio sample of a female voice will be triggered by the computer:

public voice: naked bandit here and now!