email interview 1
RJ: please describe your work: what are you working on, since when, which
technology are you using (hardware, software).
R:Working on Banking Software development,Since 1999, Windows
NT Server, Active
Server Pages, Microsoft Transaction Server.
RJ:your education: how did you come to work with computers
R: Masters
in Mathematics,
Came to work with computers since the assignments are challenging.
RJ:your daily life, your past (?): where are you born,
how did you come to madras?
R: Born in Chennai, Parents are from Chennai.
RJ:how do you like working with computers, do you
have specials feelings about it, special thoughts?
it, special thoughts? - Working with computers increase my analytical and
concentration skills, also it is interesting to solve complex problems which
normally do not arise in regular careers
RJ: are you working or using the internet? how? what
for? how often?
the internet
for surfing...twice a week..
RJ: do you think that working with computers has any influence on the daily
life? in case, which (maybe in comparison to other ways of working?)
case, which (maybe in comparison to other ways of working?) additional
influence on the daily life
RJ: how much are you interested, influenced or involved with the indian
philosophy (religion)?
(religion)? have high regards for Indian Philosophy and