1. the connective filtering network (developed by Alexander Tuchacek The manipulative activities of each participants will stay as a kind of agent in the system, but will loose effective-ness in time. The agent contains various recorded activities of the related participant. Each agent will act similar to an active participant. The IO_DENCIES environment will dissolve in fragmented dynamic clusters of activities (live participants and agents). Each single participant will be connected by the search engines to different clusters, but can only see the segment of the virtual flows he/she is engaged in. The experience of the expansion of the events will depend on the activity of the single participants. The software structures allow for the variation and transformation of data clusters by connective activities. The emerging urban phenomenons continuously adapt to the formulation and singularities of public interests, as the phases of design and construction are not separated. KR sees the project as an approach to a discursive object, where aesthetical and action-oriented interests occupy and reappropriate urban sites. (zu the connective filtering network (developed by Alexander Tuchacek)) 2.clustering and the function of the daemons (developed by Detlev Schwabe) |
technical details 1997 functions of the applet UP Shimbashi UP Hinode UP Ginza UP Imperial Hotel attractors movies technical details |