"Mental imMigration" - a collective networked environment which allows on
a playful level experiental approaches to new forms of global teleworking.
Definition: Mental imMigration requires from teleworkers a mental, immaterial
migration in another cultural logic. This does not imply a traditional concept
of migration, i.e. the physical leaving of a “home” caused by political
and/or other existential circumstances, or the exterritorialisation of a
cultural identity. Thus mental immigration does not require a physical travel.
The already existing physical working and living situation of a worker stay
the same , but the immaterial part of the work (the service) is transferred
in another cultural context. (i.e Call Centers of global enterprises: service
workers in the so called third world take over the call service after office
closing-hours in the western part of the world. These teleworkers are performing
a double consciousness, to be here and there, a form of consciousness which
influences the conditions of language, of gender, and infiltrates thus the
roles of education,of work, of citizen, ETC. - one has to play in tele-jobs.
(V. Grassmuck).
The actual tele-working conditions provoke rather a blind copying of western
cultural logics (workers in call centers imitate western dialects in providing
technology support, transcriptions of texts and programming styles are trained
linear in western styles of working and thinking instead of rearticulating
them through a personal confrontation). These enables a digital divide between
those who are able to switch virtuosly between different cultural and technological
structures and those who are not able or willing to do so.